That all students may know Christ and share their faith, living it out daily as they become successful learners.
905-639-7364 | office@bcaschool.ca
New Family or Student Admissions Process
New Family: First line should say; Please contact Diana at the office; 905-639-7362 or by email: office@bcaschool.ca to set up an appointment to meet with our Principal Mr. Lofthouse and complete a tour of our school. Please bring to the appointment;
• A copy of the most recent Report Card (if applicable)
• A copy of any professional learning assessments (if applicable), AND
• Any psycho-educational assessments or current IEP (if applicable).
You can use the checklist to ensure that everything is completed. Your registration application will not be accepted until all forms and payments are received.
Interview with the Principal.
Copy of the most recent Report Card (if applicable).
Copy of any professional learning assessments (if applicable).
Copy of Child(ren)’s Birth Certificate.
Completed Registration Form.
Pre-Authorized Payment Agreement (PAD) or cheque(s) made payable to Burlington Christian Academy.
One cheque for the Capital Levy (for new families only).
One Tuition cheque dated for May 1, 2023
or Two Tuition cheques dated for May 1, 2023 and November 1, 2023.
or Monthly tuition cheques
GIFTS cheque post dated for June 1, 2024 in the amount of $750
Returning Students Admissions Process
All returning families, please complete a 2023-24 Returning Family Registration Form and return it to the office by March 31, 2023. A deposit in the amount of $500.00 along with a GIFTS cheque dated June 1, 2024 in the amount of $750.00 is to be submitted with your registration form. This will secure your child's spot in the coming year.
Fees and Payment rates with their due dates for the following school year will be posted in the Registration Package for that year and applied each year starting May 1st. Families will be sent an invoice that details the Fees and Payments by email. Unless notified otherwise (before the date specified in the Registration Package), Burlington Christian Academy will apply the same payment plan for the family as was previously requested. New PAD forms are to be filled out for families who have a pre-authorized debit (PAD) in place for the current school year. The new rates and fees will be applied as per the invoice starting May 1, 2023.