That all students may know Christ and share their faith, living it out daily as they become successful learners.
905-639-7364 | office@bcaschool.ca
Programs & Athletics
The following Ministry guidelines are in use at BCA. When planning student expectations, assessing and evaluating students, teachers will use these documents:
Growing Success
The Ontario Curriculum
Science and Technology
The Arts
Social Studies Grades 1-6
History and Geography Grades 7-8
Health and Physical Education
The expectations identified for each grade describe the knowledge and skills that students are expected to develop as the classroom learning progresses and demonstrate in their class work, tests and other activities for which their achievement is assessed. Teachers use their professional judgement to decide which instructional practice will best foster the expected learning. The complete curriculum is available at the Ministry of Education and Training’s website at www.edu.gov.on.ca
Junior Signature Program
For students in Grades 3-5, signature programming is incorporated into our curriculum. Doing so advances the connections your child makes to the curriculum standards through a threepronged approach of advanced instruction in the areas of active living, expression through the arts, and experiential education. The Ontario ministry requirements are used as a launching pad to deliver these exceptional programs. This innovative program will occur in 12-week cycles for two periods each week and will be comprised of mixed grade groups. Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to learn from skilled instructors in their field of expertise as it relates to physical education, healthy living, the arts, and social studies, science, language arts, and mathematics. The cost of this program is already included in your annual tuition fee and registration to a specific program is not required as the rotations allow Grades 3-5 students to experience all three components in a given year.
Physical Education and Healthy Living
In Athletics and Healthy Living, students will develop strategies and techniques needed to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Students will learn about muscle groups, how they act, react, and how to train them properly within the context of sport. They will also experience the nutritional and educational benefits to exercise and energy recovery which will lead to boosted mental capacity throughout the rest of their school day. The latest research shows that for brains to function at their peak, bodies needs to move.
Dramatic Arts
Drama is integral to child development. It builds confidence, develops concentration, improves language skills and communication skills, encourages children to co-operate, increases emotional intelligence, assists physical development, fosters creative problem solving and nurtures friendships. This program will not only ensure your child is receiving a high-quality education in the Arts, but it will also help them to make more meaningful connections to the world around them. Drama education expands upon BCA’s philosophy of holistic development for every student.
Curriculum Enhancement Through Experiential Learning
Our goal is to transform wonder into knowledge through a collaborative approach to curriculum based projects. This program incorporates science, technology, social studies, math, language arts and media literacy. We seek to foster a love of learning by bringing it to life through experimentation and by challenging students to think outside the box.
Senior Signature Program - 2023-2024 Catalogue
Since 2008, BCA has been pleased to offer our renowned Signature Programs to our Grade 6-8 students. The Ontario ministry requirements are used as a launching pad to deliver these exceptional programs. The Senior Signature Programs assist students as they gain self-awareness of their giftedness from God in a meaningful and relevant way and begin to think critically of the world around them in a manner that will enrich all levels and types of learning. In all of the programs, our desire is to honour God through our talents. A catalogue of the Senior Signature Programs will be issued for each year and parents submit their choices using the Program Choices Form for each of their children. Students may choose programs from each the following streams.
Experiential Learning (EdVenture)
A program through which students develop knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional classroom. This stream encompasses a variety of project-based activities in the areas of science, technology, social studies, math, language arts, and media literacy as well as incorporating service learning and leadership opportunities.
Music and Theatre Arts (Curtain Call)
A musical theatre program that teaches valuable acting skills and techniques while increasing comfort performing in front of others. This program provides a unique opportunity for students to grow not only as actors/singers, but as individuals. Students in this stream also work on increasing vocal ability, refining body language, boosting confidence, understanding how to relate to and work collaboratively with others, nurturing presentation and interview skills, and developing artistic, practical, and critical thinking skills.
Sports Program (ALPA: Advanced Level Programming in Athletics)
A stream geared for students who love sports and possess a strong commitment and desire to play sports. Students receive advanced level training, coaching, and mentoring. The program focuses on sport specific training, athleticism, healthy living, and fitness. Options include: ice hockey, golf, basketball, volleyball, soccer, swimming, and more.
School Of The Arts (SOTA)
Welcome to the world of music lessons at BCA! SOTA provides a limited number of private half hour music lessons, all of which take place during the school day. Our SOTA teachers work with your child’s classroom teacher to determine the best time for their lesson, based on academic needs and student/family wishes. There is a variety of instrument lessons available, including vocal, piano, violin, drums, electric guitar, bass guitar, flute, saxophone, clarinet and theory. Lesson teachers are enthusiastic, experienced professionals who are dedicated to encourage the God-given gifts in your child. Students have the opportunity to play in chapels, for class presentations, and participate in Royal Conservatory exams. All students participate in our grand recital at the end of the year. Our students have successfully auditioned for community bands such as the Hamilton Rising Stars Jazz Band and Burlington Teen Tour Band.