That all students may know Christ and share their faith, living it out daily as they become successful learners.
905-639-7364 | office@bcaschool.ca
Curtain Call
Curtain Call is a dynamic theatre/music theatre program for aspiring grades 6-8 students who are passionate , or simply curious about the performing arts.
Every year, students will encounter a variety of theatrical techniques, focuses and opportunities that will lead to a broad expanse of theatrical knowledge and experiences. Students can anticipate exciting field trips, workshops, drama and improv games, monologues, scene study, glee club, worship music and much more!
There are multiple performance opportunities available throughout the year, including: in-class performances, glee club cabaret, community outreach and our main performance opportunity of our Spring musical! Some of our past productions include – “Peter Pan Jr”, “Sound of Music”, “Beauty and the Beast Jr”, “Grease Jr”, “Into The Woods Jr”, and "Alice In Wonderland". Students will get the full professional feel of being in a big production, from learning the music and choreography, to being onstage with lights, sound and costumes! Our shows take place at Theatre Burlington, and the students will be able to assist in all aspects of the show from painting the sets, to assisting backstage. It is a self-confidence building and meaningful experience that no student will want to miss!
Overall, the intent of the Curtain Call Program is to provide students with a unique opportunity to experience theatre in a Christ-centered way. To learn about and develop the individual talents that God has given to each student, and how to use them in God honouring ways. We hope that students grow not only as actors/singers, but as Godly individuals. The program is focused on seeing students achieve success in all areas of life.
What People Say
“Curtain Call has taken me out of my shell and boosted my confidence levels. It has helped me improve my acting and singing skills, and brought me closer to my friends – we’ve become a strong Curtain Call family” – Aimee (BCA Curtain Call Alumni).
“Curtain Call was an amazing experience and became a second family to me” – Kiveli (BCA Curtain Call Alumni).
“Through the Curtain Call program, I have seen my children grow from shy and unsure to confident and outgoing children with a deeper relationship with God. The transformation has been outstanding! Jennie McInnes has successfully provided an inviting environment for students to explore their creativity.” – Carla (Parent of two Curtain Call students).
“To be perfectly honest, I do not know where I would be today without Mrs. McInnes and Curtain Call. The encouraging and warm environment gave me the confidence that I needed to just be myself. Not only that, but Curtain Call helped me to become a leader. Through performing, we bring smiles to faces and honour the gifts God has given us. I have gone off to high school with a newfound passion, a second family, and more faith in both God and myself than ever before!” -Mia (BCA Curtain Call Alumni).