That all students may know Christ and share their faith, living it out daily as they become successful learners.
905-639-7364 | office@bcaschool.ca
ALPA Program
(Advanced Level Programming in Athletics)
“ALPA challenges us to do our best in everything we do. It’s fun, the teachers are great, and it will assist me in developing a much healthier lifestyle!”
-Drew, ALPA Student
ALPA is a program geared for students in grades 6-8 who possess a strong commitment and desire to play sports while receiving advanced level training, coaching, and mentoring in the sport of their choice. Students are exposed to an educational program that focuses on strong academics and advanced level training in athletics, health, and fitness. Their timetable is well within the Ontario Ministry of Education guidelines and includes “Specific Training Sessions” and a “Healthy Active Living” component.
The ALPA Program At a Glance
3 days a week students have 75 minutes of sports specific training taught by high level coaches with national coaching qualifications as well as many years of related sports experience.
3 days a week students receive a 40 minute “Healthy Active Living” course that will cover important topics such as nutrition, fitness training, athletic leadership, and exercise science.
BCA understands that students in this program are young and the program has to be fun without burnout! BCA is committed to ensure this by having instructors who understand that students can develop and improve, while having fun, and will gear their program accordingly. Eight sessions of sports specific instruction will be followed by sessions of another activity such as golf, badminton, squash, high jump and more!