That all students may know Christ and share their faith, living it out daily as they become successful learners.
905-639-7364 | office@bcaschool.ca
Faculty and Staff
Our teachers and staff at BCA are the strength of the school. All of our teachers are fully accredited and bring a wide range of experience to the school. In addition to providing a high standard of education, our staff seek to live the Christian principles they teach, providing an example to the students in both word and deed.
Junior Kindergarten
Grade Two
Grade Five
Grade Eight
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Office Administrator
Senior Kindergarten
Grade Three
Grade Six
French (JK - 3)
Curtain Call/SOTA Director
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
School of the Arts
Grade One
Grade Four
Grade Seven
French (Gr. 4-8)
Special Education
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant
School of the Arts